
by marv

by will

  • Provide only new needles and sterile equipment
  • All prices vary based on design, time to complete and size
  • Customers under 18 must have parental consent, picture ID (State ID or Drivers license...sorry, no exceptions) for both the customer and parent and the parent must remain on the premise during the ATWILL TATTOO experience
  • Everyone must fill out a consent and release form - NO EXCEPTIONS!

Keep your new tattoo bandaged for approximately 2 hours.  Then carefully remove the bandage and wash entire area with mild soap and cool water.  Dry the area and re-apply an antibiotic oitment.  Use only a very thin coating and continue to re-apply it 2-4 times daily for at least 7 days.  Do not re-bandage the tattoo as it could stick to the bandage and damage can occur.

Avoid sunburn, salt or chlorine water and hot-tubs until your tattoo is completely healed.  In the event mild scabbing occurs DO NOT PICK AT or ATTEMPT TO "WASH-OFF" the scab.  Allow it do so by itself.  You may apply a mild skin lotion to keep "flaking" to a minimum.

by will

by will

by will
by marv